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Cat Houses

Nowadays you can find a huge variety of cat houses. There are big and small ones, some have scratch boards and some do not, some can look like ceiling height activity centers which have built-in tunnels and passages, holes, hammocks and hideaways and some can look like medium size cat towers with several shelves.

Such activity centers are quite important for physical development, increase of activity, strengthening of muscles and immune system and are very useful to keep your cat entertained. It is great if you have a big house and can set up 2-3 story activity and play center with few scratch boards and scratch posts all in one. You can build or buy such complex and your cat will always be in great shape.

Cat activity center
Cat activity center

Cat tower

Cat tower

But what can you do if you live in a small apartment and do not have that much space but still want to make your loved pet happy. In such case you may consider getting a cat house which can be attached to the wall. You can place several shelves or wall louges at different height on the wall and connect them with vertical posts. Also you can build an activity canter under the ceiling or you can just put up a hammock for your cat.

Wall cat shelve

Wall cat shelve
Wall cat shelve

Wall cat shelve

Wall cat shelve

You can either build a cat house yourself or buy one in a pet store or online. Also if you want to have a cat house which fits your interior design you can order a custom made cat house.

At the pictures above there are different types of cat houses. Even if you do not like any of these options it still can give you a good idea of a cat house you might want to get for your cat.

Scratch boards and scratch posts are a separate topic for conversation. There are several types of scratch boards:

They can look like posts and boards which are part of a cat activity center or it can be a single vertically standing post wrapped with a sisal rope and attached to a platform for stability.

Also scratch boards made out of cardboard are very popular, there are also hanging scratch boards or it can be a scratch post which is attached to the corner of the wall or furniture.

Scratching post

Scratch cardboard

You can learn how to train your cat to use a scratch post or a scratch board here.

Sleeping beds and sleeping pads for cats are extremely popular as well. You can find more information about sleeping beds for cats here.

Window mounted cats beds create a great sleeping and resting surface for cats.

Window cat bed

Window Mounted Cat Bed

How to get a right cat house for your furry pet?

To make a right choice you need to estimate how much room you have in your house or apartment, pick the right location for it in the house, decide what materials it should be made out of and what color it should have to match your interior design, and what entertaining features it should have. Doesn’t matter what cat house you get you should always remember that it should be steady and safe for your cat.Cat house should not fall or shake, it has to be made out of good quality materials, it should not have any objects sticking out of the surface like nails, grommets or screws and it should not have any sharp edges nor corners.

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